I bought this pot of Gazanias this week. They are really lovely, hovering over the chair I often sit in in the late afternoon. The long stems are remarkable, and there are plenty of buds. It's a shame I didn't buy them in time to show them off to the friends who came for lunch on Sunday, but I only noticed them as I left the shop and was in a hurry. I'd been to Book Club and didn't have a lot of time to get fresh bread and get home to put the oven on.
Book Club was again good; wide ranging discussion and shared books and interests.
Our lunch went well - I cooked duck, potatoes with bacon and eggplant parmigiana. Susan brought a blueberry cake. The best bit was the relaxed afternoon of conversation.
Susan's Gymea is slowly opening. This morning wind threatened to damage it, but I think disaster was averted when the wind dropped.
I got to a mending job that has been waiting a while, two pair of possum wool socks whose heels have worn through. The possum wool and merino components tend to wear through leaving the framework of elastane underneath. The socks are the warmest I've ever had, so mending is in order.
The top two photos are a plain black sock before and after mending, and the left lower is that pair finished. The lower right is the second pair finished. I realise, in darning them, that the wear is just above the heel, rather than right on it - which may indicate I need a larger size sock!
I used my collection of darning wool, still stored in the box I inherited from my grandmother. Some of it is still hers, but I have added to it over the years. It's a chore, but the satisfaction on completion is worth it.
Today our video entry system was installed in all apartments. Where until this morning, I had a phone, I now have a screen that gives me a view of who rings my buzzer.
It's an improvement, and will be even better next week when the installer returns to help each of us set up the app that will enable us to answer remotely from our phones. I am so looking forward to being able to see the postie when I'm at the Guild, and open the door to enable a parcel to be placed in the foyer. It's a bit of a scary change to master - but wow! - improvement!
I've progressed the vest this week.
This is 24 cm of knitting in the round. At 35cm I get to the V neck and arms. The pattern (and therefore the kit I bought) has one ball of the pale beige, two each of the green and grey and three of the red-brown. It seems to me that the only colour likely to need two balls, is the pale beige! I'm in two minds about whether to just order another ball of beige or persevere until I run out. Fortunately, it's looking good, and is fun to knit, so one way or another the vest will be great. Apart from the beige, I am going to have enough left to make another one!