As predicted, the temperature on Wednesday, when WES Group met at the Guild, soared to 42C. Inside the Gallery we stayed cool and totally engaged as one of our members showed us her work of the last 30 years with cloth and paper. The photo to the left shows two scenes she created in layered and embroidered cloth as well as the book she subsequently made from a photograph of one of them.

The quality and quantity were astounding and we spent more than an hour examining them in detail and asking questions.
When I got home I spent the rest of the day in my chair, blinds and curtains drawn, fan and aircon on, writing up the meeting summary, reading and stitching. No point in being outside.
Thursday began well. The temperature had dropped by some 10 degrees. My new mouth guard was ready. Xrays and tests on a tooth that has begun to ache indicated a root canal problem, and I managed to get an endodontist appointment in March. From there I visited the dressmaker, who had muddled my appointment, so we rescheduled for Friday. I filled in the time before Pilates with lunch at the Queen St Cafe. Atlantic salmon is becoming my go-to meal when eating out. I do think this is my favourite version!
It was good to be back at Pilates. My recovering finger gave me no trouble.
The dress fitting went well on Friday morning. We pinned the hem and I picked up the finished article on Saturday morning. It looks stunning. This is the birthday fabric from Harran in Turkey. I'm very pleased I went for a cream lining rather than pink. The gold motifs really shine. As yet I have no event to which to wear it, but it will happen!
It was lovely to wake to a temperature around 20C on Friday as the bats were returning to the Botanic Gardens to roost, even though they evaded the photo.
They were back as usual in the evening to feed the Moreton Bay Fig in the Square.
The drive to dinner on Saturday was eventful. My route through the centre of the city was blocked at Victoria Square by building work on Flinders St. Traffic, including two empty long-loaders leaving the building site, was diverted around the Square. Slow progress, especially with the long-loaders making several tricky right-hand turns.Beyond the CBD, traffic banked up again, first for the Laneway Festival at Bonython Park (Niamh and Veronica in attendance!), then for the Adelaide United soccer match at Hindmarsh Stadium, then for a breakdown. It seems Mad March is already upon us.

Monday was Brigid’s birthday and we celebrated with dinner at Olive in the city. A really nice meal and great company. Such a fabulous young woman.
I had a haircut booked today and moved it from early afternoon to midmorning so I could go on to the Art Gallery for another look at Radical Textiles. It was a pleasant thing to do. The exhibition is too large to take in at one visit. I wanted to check out some of the weaving, and take a couple of photos so I can ask a Guild friend how it is done.
This time my favourite was this knitted piece - a triumph of design and graphing.

The dress is a close runner up.
I had planned to also visit the Museum two doors down, to see the Viking Treasures Exhibition, but decided to leave that for another day.
The Gallery shop has a wonderful collection of goods related to the Textiles exhibition. I couldn't resist this kit.
It’s getting towards the best time of the year in Adelaide, especially along North Terrace.
I enjoyed the excursion, and the chance to look around the city.
I wasn't, however, sorry to get home and get down to stitching again. I finished the border on the Huckaback on Aida
on Thursday (written up in my embroidery blog ) and have begun work on a motif in the centre ( yes, Evil Eye related).
I'm hoping to have this finished for the Guild Exhibition, which means finishing it in the next 2 days. If I had stuck to the basic pattern I'd be finished by now, even allowing for a complete change of colour (originally in 22 shades of blue and white). I'm fundamentally adapting as I go, and keep adding colours and flames. The whole background of the hand should be filled in with a flesh colour, but I think it might have to remain blank for the exhibition.
I need to even up the flames before I go to bed tonight and my recovering finger needs breaks, so time to post.