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Monday 4 May 2020

Post 68 : Flu Vac

In spite of it being a a cool, dull day, this succulent was brightly blooming this morning. It wasn't there a week ago.  I don't think I've seen it bloom before.

I spent much of the morning finishing Richard Anderson's Australian crime novel, Boxed then working on the wing of the song bird. In the end I took it out of the hoop and held it in my hand. The wheatear stitch was much better worked by scooping rather than stabbing, and I'm still programmed to 'never scoop in a hoop'.

This afternoon I had my flu vac. My doctor had suggested I wait until May because I had a booster in February before going to England. The surgery, which is in a house, runs vaccination clinics. You make an appointment, then sit of the verandah on one of three chairs (spaced well apart) until called into the front room where a young doctor, checking a computer, asks some questions and a nurse administers the vaccination. The nurse commented that I'd better come back for a pneumonia shot. No, says the doctor, she's had one. Nurse smiles at me and says 'That's good. So all you need to worry about is tetanus.' 'No', says the doctor, 'She's had that too'.  'I'm pretty conscientious about vaccinations' say I.

The nurse looks as if she's won the lottery and says, 'I could hug you!'.
Of course she doesn't. 
It doesn't take much to make a nurse happy at the moment.

While I was at North Adelaide for the flu vac, I called at Romeo's Foodland. I was surprised at how easy it was to shop.  Signs about sanitation and distancing, but no policing - and no obvious problem. I got my muesli and a salmon fillet for my dinner. Metropolitan Fresh Fruit and Veg was also open - and had Bravo apples!

I really enjoyed being able to choose what I wanted - which wasn't much. I had antiseptic wipes to use before and after each transaction. I might make further short shopping excursions here.

There were plenty of cars parked around North Adelaide, but not many people on the golf course,

It is quite strange to see all the restaurants, cafes and hotels closed in a place that is normally buzzing with people eating and drinking coffee.

Similarly, in the city, Frome Rd, which I drive down  to get home, was pretty much deserted at 4pm on a Monday afternoon.

Jennifer has had the pressure from her ventilator reduce further. Tomorrow it will be connected but not operating. If that goes well it will be removed completely. They took a direct test for coronavirus today and will do another tomorrow.  If both are negative she will be able to be free of quarantine. She was too tired today to read or colour in.

I spent the rest of the day working on the songbird, back in the hoop. I might go over some of the variegated silk. but will wait to see how it looks with the tail feathers in. I'm really liking the linen thread.

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