I'm delighted to be posting this from my new laptop! I drove into the city around 10.15am on Wednesday with my old one. I'd have taken the bus but as I had Pilates 10km away at 1pm I figured I'd need to go straight there. At Apple I waited about 15 minutes before my attendant arrived with the new laptop, asked a few questions, took some details, got my signature - and told me I could go home and they would send a text when the data transfer was complete! I was stunned. It made a difference that I had backed up to a hard drive. While I was there I bought a new back-up hard drive. It seems risky to trust my 8 year-old hard drive to back up the new machine. I also bought a stylus for my iPad Mini. It is taking some of the pressure off my left thumb, which I've used repetitively not only for knitting, but also on the iPad for word and number games.

I was home by 11.30 and the crumb brush I had ordered was in the letterbox. It's neat, and a lot more efficient than the pokerwork one, which I will now dispose off.
As I was leaving at 12.40 pm for Pilates the message arrived to say my computer data transfer was complete and I could pick up both laptops! I collected them on the way home from Pilates.
The new one operated flawlessly - all programs, passwords, content operational- including those that had ceased working on the out-of-date operating system of the old one. All tribute to the Rundle Mall Apple Centre! (I have nevertheless chosen not to include a photo of a laptop!)

There were only two of us at Pilates - a good workout. While on the balance board I look out on the studio garden where an Agave is preparing to bloom. It looks as the one at the Guild did a couple of years ago.

I'm looking forward to seeing it bloom.
To celebrate the laptop (and because, by 4pm, I was hungry) I went to the pub for a 4pm lunch of whiting fillets.
In the letterbox was a lovely little embroidered bag with hand lotion - a gift from a neighbour from my old Hindmarsh home, who had presumably been passing while I was in the city. It all made for a magic day.
The sun shone on Friday as a neighbour from the floor below came up to ask my advice on her next knitting project. She wants something to knit while at a chatty craft group and to keep her hands busy while watching TV. She's tired of the blanket she's been knitting for months. I pulled out some fairly easy patterns for shawls and cardigans, and she's taken them with enthusiasm to think about. After she left I took myself of to Craft Alive at the Showground. It was on over the weekend and I figured Friday would be less crowded.
It was fun to look around. I had a talk to the women on the Handknitters' Guild stall (after they plied me with questions about the cardigan I was wearing), and waved to the volunteers on the Embroiderers' Guild stall. I was tempted by some Sashiko threads, including metallics, and some beautiful turned wood encased stitch rippers and needle threaders but came away empty handed. It was a pleasant outing and good to get a notion of what's out there at the moment.
I spent the rest of the afternoon on the western balcony, soaking up sun and plant perfection.
The Euphorbia Trigonum I bought a few years ago as a ‘rescue me’ plant, about 12cm high is thriving. It had a growth spurt this year. The main stand is now about 90cm high and there are numerous new stems. the narrowed bit is where it regrew after it broke in transit and I put it together with sticky tape!
' ' '
The western balcony is protected from the wind which raged all night and though Saturday. On the eastern balcony,
I found the yellow poinsettia I had planted (obviously not well!) several weeks ago lying on the tiles with roots exposed - lifted straight out of its container! I've put it back in, watered it well, and placed rocks on top.
Although it is school holidays, with three family members working in the city and two without Monday sporting commitments, dinner went ahead here yesterday. I cheated and bought family pies from the bakery, to serve with roast potato and veg, but it worked well. I am blessed.
This morning Michelle came to measure for my blind, and is now preparing a quote. It's going to look great - and improve insulation.

When she left I took myself off to Bunnings to buy a strong metal plant stand. I had noticed on the weekend that the wooden one holding up a barbecue lid I had turned into a garden bed, was collapsing under the weight. The lid has a substantial handle which means it won't sit on the ground. Bunnings have just the thing - a metal stand with a circular top in which the lid sits nicely.

I also bought potting mix to pot up the plants from last week's church sale.
In the late afternoon I got a bit of warmth on the Western balcony while adding to this post. The battery charge on the new laptop has lasted all week. It hasn't been in constant use, but the old one was barely lasting 3 hours! My current plan is to charge and back up each Tuesday night after posting this.

I finished the first sleeve of the coatigan and am working on the second. I have 35 rows to go to the decrease. I don't think the sleeves are roomy enough, compared to the body and have formulated a plan to adjust them.
I have set myself a goal to finish by the end of the month - so on with it!
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