It's been a busy week, with lots of photo opportunities! On Wednesday I had coffee with Panayoula, with lots of news to catch up on both ways. Back at home I stitched away, trying to progress the Huckaback on Aida piece before meeting friends at the Botanic Gardens for Arc en Ciel, a concert in the Bicentennial Conservatory. It was a great experience. Four musicians, Casper Hawksley. guitar, Celia Craig, Oboe, Harrison Smith Flugelhorn and Thomas Marlin, Cello improvising on the upper walkway while the audience sat in a single row of seats around the lower level path alongside the Chihuly glass sculptures as it gradually got dark.
We sat in front of the purple candles.
I like this photo (right) of the ethereal oboist playing amongst the trees.

The sculptures were lit from below and glowed.
Towards the end of the hour, the bats began to leave the park, heading, no doubt, for the Moreton Bay figs in our Square! Groups of them were silhouetted agains the roof, but impossible to photograph at the speed they move.
I'm really grateful to the friends who picked me up and dropped me home. It was a magic time out.
Back at home, I got stuck into the Hamsa and finished the piece just before midnight. It was satisfying to take it off the hoop before going to bed.

While I was away, the two extra Evil Eye mandala kits I had ordered were delivered. Unfortunately, I had made an error and ordered one I already had, so I have now put in the correct order.🙄.
I was almost late to Thursday evening’s concert because I assumed it was at the same time as Arc en Ciel, the previous night and it was half an hour earlier. Fortunately, I was planning to leave early, and Katherine messaged me she was on her way. Parking was difficult, but I made it just in time. Just as well. It was fabulous.
A huge contrast to the night before, in setting, program and performers - three choirs, Schola Cantorum from London, the Festival Statesmen Chorus and the Cathedral scholars with a stunning program culminating in the Faure Requiem with the organ and combined choir in a big sound filling the packed cathedral.

Now that my exhibition contributions are in, I had a bit of a stocktake to decide what to prioritise next. There’s a lot to choose from! Two kits for shawls from Blacker Yarn, in a wool-silk mix arrived this week, along with two more fabulous remnants from Ink and Spindle to add to the pile already waiting to be made into tote bags.
I've also readied the two kits I received for my birthday for stitching. I can't however, find the sashiko needles I think I have somewhere.
On Friday I stopped for lunch at Grange on the way to Sit'nStitch. It was a lovely day, sitting outside and watching what must surely be the fattest pigeons in the State, cooling themselves in a dish of water left out for them by the Grange Hotel.
While all this was going on, I prepared a vegetable and sausage bake, and made zucchini muffins. I had yogurt to use up, so found a recipe that used it. There’s no way the kids will eat them, but I certainly will! I might make another batch later in the week.
Today I called at the dressmaker's for my altered dress. I'm very pleased with the result. It's a big improvement, and I feel quite comfortable wearing it without the strange pointy sides. It was, however, only when I tried it on that I realised I should have told them to reinstate the pockets! 🙄
They are barely visible against the black and will serve to hold a phone, car key and small, flat necessities. Problem solved.

We are so privileged to have such a range of music available to us. It was a highly appreciative audience. I'm not sure how the young members of Schola Cantorum managed. They arrived in Australia on 10 February, performed in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide and flew home on 21 Feb, the day after our concert! They also gave a concert at St Peters' Boys' School in Adelaide . It's a punishing schedule, especially factoring in rehearsals with other choirs.
They appear to want to come again for longer! Hope that works out.

While getting sorted, I progressed another Galaxy Dreaming panel, The Evil Eye kit won and is now well underway.

On Saturday I made a scheduled visit to the dressmaker to pick up my altered Otami dress, but it hadn’t been done. Disappointing, but no big deal.
My Library Association t-shirt arrived, so I wore it to stitch on Friday and to the very productive and pleasant Book Club meeting on Sunday. It’s very comfortable! I might make it my Book Club uniform. The March meeting is at my place when we will discuss the Lilly Pilly Creek series, Elly Griffiths' Frozen People and Laura McCluskey's The Wolf Tree.
The t-shirt also served me well on Monday, when the window cleaners arrived at 8am (in fact, it’s fast becoming my wear-for-getting-things-done attire!).
I had most windows (there’s a lot!) clear of plants and furniture. After they left around 9.30, Shane arrived to try to fix the leak of water into my wall cavity. It rains so little in Adelaide that the leak is only discernible a couple of times a year. After about 3 hours on the roof he had, it seems, found and fixed the problem, to do with the length of screws used in capping the roof, and the way a couple of sheets of corrugated iron meet at the top of the pitch. I really admire and enjoy the way an experienced tradie goes about solving such problems. I now have to wait for a downpour to test it has worked before my ceiling is repaired. No big deal.

The vegetable bake with sausages worked well: a bit better, I thought, than the last efforts. I tried a recipe that adds a tablespoon of marmalade in the last half an hour. I’m not sure it made a difference, but it was less liquid- a definite improvement. As usual, I was too busy serving it to take a photo of the result. There were 8 of us, so not too much left over - a meal for me tonight!

I took the left-over bits home with me, and this afternoon cut 2 straight pieces and added pockets to the outside near the hips.

While I was out this morning I went on a hunt for sashiko needles and eventually found some at Riverlea Quilts. I'm stowing them safely in my needle box, ready for the next project!

It's been an eventful week, with a lot of music, colour, reading, creating, family and friendship.
The Adelaide Festival doesn't start until Friday but the Fringe got underway last Friday. There's certainly plenty going on.
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