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Sunday 22 March 2020

Self-isolation Day3: friends, family, food and another finish

It was good to hear the bells of Adelaide's Catholic Cathedral ringing today. It's a lovely city sound - and a way of knowing what day it is, since it's otherwise hard to tell in isolation!  Our governments have tightened lock-down today. I'm not yet clear what this will mean in South Australia, but it won't get any easier to move around.

Today a friend baked pasties and banana/date bread and dropped some in to my apartment door. I was able to wave from my balcony, and talk to her by phone through the process.

While we were talking on the phone a neighbour was calling to drop off a treat for me.  

This turned out to be fresh bread and hot cross buns. 

I had a delicious lunch of pasties, a banana and banana bread thanks entirely to friends.

I'm about to have a fresh egg roll for dinner!

I also had a long phone conversation with my immediate neighbour. It's great to know they are OK and to share our circumstances. I don't see how we could set up the Italian singing routine here - but being in touch and encouraging each other is critical. My brother called again. So good to be in touch.

In the afternoon I got to work on turning my Kate Barlow black and goldwork piece into a pouch. The black fabric from the RSC proved to be perfect as lining.

I'm getting better at inserting zips into pouches and was very pleased with the smooth line I achieved with this.

I haven't decided whether to use this to keep my goldwork tools, or my metallic threads.

I now have two of my Stratford projects finished and am working at a relaxed pace on the third.

I have registered for home delivery with Woolworths and constructed an order. Their delivery options however are currently closed. I am assuming once they approve customers, myself included, for home delivery, the delivery options will open up on their website.

I have also managed to order a paperback copy of Martha Grimes The Dirty Duck from England. Martha Grimes writes crime fiction centring around English pubs, this one the Black Swan in Stratford-on-Avon.  It isn't available electronically to Australia and my interest was aroused with a reminder from Melody in Stratford. I gave away all my Martha Grimes books when I moved.  Goodness knows how long it will take to arrive! In the meantime I managed to borrow her The Knowledge from Overdrive, so I'm well into that.

It was a bit chilly this morning, so I am here today in the top that Genevieve helped me choose at the Edinburgh Woollen Mill. By late this afternoon the sun was out, so I've included these shots taken around 6pm rather than the sunset.

My egg roll is nearly ready. When I've eaten I'll continue on the Muncaster Orange.

I hope my readers are safe and busy. Stay in touch when you can.  Friends and family are what keeps us all going.

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