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Friday 3 April 2020

Post 37 staying safe

I woke this morning planning my big excursion to the letterbox and rubbish disposal. Should I shower, breakfast, put on lipstick and venture downstairs with my recycling and green rubbish, then go for a walk? On reflection, it seemed a better idea to get dressed in old clothes, take the rubbish down and check my letterbox, then come back and shower before having breakfast. That's what I did.

Armed with a plastic bag of bottles (three wine, one milk, one soda water), one of paper and plastic recycling, three corn bags of green garbage and a packet of antiseptic wipes, I went down to the basement, wiping anything I touched after I had touched it. I did NOT take photos of this activity! The basement was clean and tidy as ever. I started my car to make sure the battery was OK and emptied my letterbox.

Back upstairs I washed my hands, showered, dressed and had breakfast. There were quite a few emails and messages, giving me news of friends and family, keeping each other up to date.  When I got to opening my mail, I found a gift from an old friend in Canberra - a shawl she began for one of my birthdays  and finished as a welcome home present. I'm not sure how long it had been in my letterbox, but it had a few letters on top of it.

It is really lovely, soft and textured like a cloud. Such a lovely surprise.

At 10.30 I was ready and organised today to participate in ABC Classic FM's Dancercise with Martin Buzacott. It was fun. We began with marching.

I was so stimulated by the exercise that I started making my moussaka. I usually make this over at least two days, beginning with the ragu, while I salt and soak the eggplant. The ragu simmers away for two hours or more. I usually wash and dry the eggplant the next day, then cook it, cook the zucchini, construct the layers, then make the cheese sauce. Today I just kept going. I put the eggplant in the oven before the ragu was finished and constructed the layers as I went. The sauce has to be done slowly and carefully, the cheese added while the bechamel is hot, so it melts but the egg yolks added after it cools down.

It came out well, enough for a couple of friends and family - and the left overs for me. I finished putting them together about 4.30pm and had a mad idea I might go out and delivery them now, ready to  put in the oven. When I looked out the window, however, there were very dark clouds rolling in. I was too late to bring in the top I had left on the line - it was wet and had blown off the line, fortunately still on the balcony!

Instead of delivering them this afternoon, I cooked the scrappy one for my own dinner and popped the others in the oven with it, so now they just need to be warmed though.

This is a lot more cooking than I usually do in day! I clocked up a couple of thousand steps without leaving the apartment. I had another glass of bubbles with the moussaka to celebrate!

The book I ordered on embroidering on knitting was due to arrive today, but didn't. Hardly surprising. Maybe Monday.

I was determined to make some progress on the Mellerstain firescreen. I am not at all sure I have done the right thing by mounting this on the roller frame. I find it difficult to get my arm comfortably behind the work to work with both hands. I am thinking of taking it out and using a hoop. The piece is quite large, so there'd be a lot of surplus fabric, but it would be more comfortable to work with. Dilemma.

I got this far. I'll persevere for a bit.

Tomorrow my cleaner comes at 8.30. I'm glad I got the cooking done today. The dishwasher is full and I've cleaned up the worst of the kitchen  but it will benefit from a thorough clean.

The rain is still bucketing down, even coming on to the Western balcony, which is unusual. We like rain in Adelaide!

 There have been more Covid19 cases identified in the Adelaide Airport cluster and Western Australia has closed its borders. There is an exception for 'people returning to their place of residence' so my friends in isolation in Perth MAY be able to travel back to Adelaide ( if there are flights) but it could be different when they emerge in about ten days' time.

I had not intended to have such a busy day but it has been satisfying. I never did get that walk, but I got quite a bit of exercise one way or another!

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