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Monday 27 July 2020

Post 152 : Monday meal and making

This morning was mostly taken up with shopping for family dinner tonight. I also posted a set of face masks to a family friend and deposited 3 bags of soft plastic to the recycling at Unley. Dinner was a stir fry of noodles with duck, ham, broccoli, spring onions, capsicum, soy and salami. I bought a cooked Beijing duck and deboned it. I made stock from the bones so hope to have duck soup tomorrow. There was also enough stir fry left for Niamh's lunch tomorrow.
I managed to cut out another 7 face masks while making the stock. This time I did it sitting on a high stool. It avoided the worst of my sciatica but not entirely. It's very difficult not to stand while cutting and ironing. I used the remains of a bamboo Tshirt Katherine gave me for the inner lining (the tealy-green). It will be interesting to see how it makes up.

This will provide a set of 12 for Katherine's family. This is not urgent, since we currently have not community transmission in South Australia, but I hope to finish these tomorrow. I've had one request for elastic for masks.

This morning Margaret Morgan sent me a link to a video tutorial on Breton stitch. I found it useful. The stitch can be worked, it seems, as surface stitchery as well as counted. There are also variations.

I worked a little sampler on much larger  fabric. A is the stitch as included in yesterday's class, only a bit larger. B is a variation that is longer - three times the number of threads in height. C and D are the same stitches further spaced widthwise. This helps me get my head around the way the stitch works. Now I think I can work the smaller variety.

As I had expected, the pile driver began at 7.30 this morning. It was background noise I could live with. Just before sunset I took this photo of the day's work. It seems they are driving very close piles and setting them in concrete. It appears to be slow work.

It's unlikely I will see much of the doves while this work is going on. Enough to put any bird off.

Tonight I have worked a bit more of the owl. There is not a lot to do to finish it. I haven't decided what colour to make the heart above the owl's head.

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