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Thursday 19 November 2020

Post 265 Day 1 of the six-day lockdown: COVID Stag

This is where I ended up at the end of today - the first of the 6 complete lockdown days in South Australia. The stag colours are a little more russet than they appear here.

It's been very relaxing and pleasurable to have the time to just stitch.  This is probably going to be known as the Covid Stag when I add it to my chair!

There was, of course, no work on the building site and not much movement in the Square. A few people walked through, presumably essential workers. Traffic was lighter than usual. I watched a few news bulletins. There were no new Covid cases in the State today. There is commentary (mostly from interstate) about the harshness of the SA lockdown, when, on the first day, after 12,000 tests, there are no cases. The Chief Medical Officer argues that there are still 17 probable cases and we need to stay ahead on the contact tracing. Most South Australians seem to trust her. 

I do.  

I couldn't resist photographing the red begonia again when the sun filtered through its leaves late this afternoon. It did just reach 36C   this afternoon but seemed to cool down a little before sunset.

I have also been watching the growth of this Euphorbia Milii. I bought it as a struggling reject at a plant sale. It was about 50cm tall but drooping, with few leaves. It's looking very healthy and there are lots of new shoots at the crown. I'm wondering if it is about to flower.

This morning I spent a couple of hours finishing Dead Men's Hearts by Aaron Elkins, the first of his I have read. It had a bit going for it - lots of archeology and anthropology detail, used, I thought, very effectively. The ending drama was a bit unlikely and unnecessary, but would look good on film or video. 

I had a couple of visits from my dove friends. The sunflower is absolutely at its best. The one flower at the moment is benefitting from no competition.

The other big news story today, apart from SA's lockdown, has been the report of the Enquiry into Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan. It is a shocking and shameful story. The only good thing is that the enquiry was held, the Defence Force has accepted responsibility, issued apologies and initiated legal processes.

Tomorrow is a little cooler, but hotter on Saturday. I suspect I might choose to finish the stag before I pick up the quilt to add hexies!

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