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Thursday 20 August 2020

Post 176 Back in my car, and bag finish

I got a phone call around 9am this morning to say my car was repaired and ready to pick up. I had a Pilates class at 11.00 on the other side of town, and the sensible thing would have been to go to Pilates in the loan car, then pick up my repaired car. I was, however, wanting to have my own car back and anxious not to have the loan car any longer than necessary, so I had breakfast, a few jobs,  got ready for Pilates, drove the loan car to the nearest petrol station, replaced the petrol I had used and headed to the Crash Repairer.  They were very efficient. The car was ready, fixed and clean (cleaner on the inside than it has been since the day I bought it!) and I was on my way just in time to make it to Pilates.
I appreciate my Prius C all over again. It is so smooth and even to drive, especially at take off.

After Pilates I went to Unley Shopping Centre. I had a parcel to post and a bit of grocery shopping.

On the way home, around 1.40,  I stopped on Hutt St for a Yiros to take home. I love the trees in their skeleton form, especially when there is cloud cover as there was today.

The forecast was for rain all day. Again, there were a few showers but nothing substantial. I bunkered down with the cube pincushion construction.

It was a pretty straightforward case of shaping the insets, trimming and folding the squares, and whipping the sides together through the four-sided stitch.

This completes the set as per Christine's design. It is quite lovely and really useful. I had thought of making a scissor keep to house the scissors when not being used. However, I remembered the spare pair of small scissors that I had bought when I made Christine's Shadow Box. These fit quite well into this set and don't need a scissor keep.

The sun went down in a bit of a haze of glory tonight followed by a rain shower. It looked like a dust storm over the city, but was simply cloud.

I had a few bits of linen and, somewhere.  a square of lining fabric, left from the project, so decided to make a little pouch for a needle threader. I had used up all the Blue DMC 824 thread bar 2-3 single lengths - both the skein that came in the kit and another skein of my own. I didn't want to wait until I could get a replacement. so I used the blue as an outline and the green for a border of Breton stitch.

It took a while, but worked out. Frustratingly, I could not find the small square of Liberty lining I had used. In the end I found and used a fragment of a Liberty print. It's not a match in colour, but at least the texture and weight are the same.

The missing piece will, of course, now turn up.

The lining will rarely be seen in this little pouch which will hopefully help me not to lose the needle-threader.

It's been a productive day. Now I can return to my knitting and think about my next embroidery project.

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