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Sunday 16 August 2020

Post 172: Birds, book-ended by 'broidery - and a bit of a breakout.

The first task after breakfast this morning was to finish the needlelace on the second tassel of the bag. Before I could start there was a message from the friend who was to host our Sit'n Stitch this afternoon to say she wasn't well and needed to postpone.

I was to pick up Jennifer for this, so we consulted and decided that we would go to Mr Nick's for lunch then come back to my place to stitch.

That settled, I finished the bag.

Then, as I was getting tidied up ready to go out, I had a balcony visitor, the first in a while. The building work is silent on Sunday so the Noisy Miner was about.

He eyed off the plants, but clearly there is no nectar that appeals in any of them.

I was, however, pleased to see any bird. I took these through the glass door, so as not to scare him off.

I was a few minutes late picking Jennifer up in my effort to get these shots.

None the less we had a very delicious lunch right in front of the fire. Both of us shed a layer in the warmth.  There were a respectable number of people there when we arrived, but it was never crowded and before long we were pretty much on our own.

We began with a gin cocktail and finished with affogato (the gin, I hasten to say, the only alcohol).

We both had a little bit of shopping to do, so separated and met up again. By this time, Jennifer was worn out. There was, I fear, too much walking for her around the supermarket. At her request I took her home rather than to my place. Two and a half hours is more than enough for her at the moment. I hope we didn't overdo it. My mother would have said she should sleep well tonight, but I'm not sure it works like that for a Covid long hawler.

Back at home, the birds were making a racket. It seems they have been taking advantage of the lack of building activity.

Before a helicopter scared them away, I managed to capture a couple of lorikeets. While the branches appear bare from a distance, they are clearly beginning to bud, and the parrot families are on to it.

 The rosella sat silently in the background. Perhaps it wasn't the helicopter that scared the lorikeets away.

It's good to have these back. I haven't seen the doves this weekend, but reckon they won't be too far away.
My evening was spent on embroidery for the needle case that goes in the bag. I.m very pleased with progress on this. I have 24 beads to add and four-sided stitch all around the outside edge of this, the front, and an equivalent sized back, before construction.

Then I have only the little cube pincushion to go.

Rain is forecast all week this week, conducive to stitching.

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