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Monday 12 October 2020

Post 229: Feathery decisions


I finished the second feather today. I've been thinking, as I stitch, what colours to use on the other seven I have to do. This one is a bit pinker than the photo indicates. Do these relate in any way to real birds or are they a stylised feather in a Jacobean style? I thought if I introduced greys into the next one it would be a reference to Australian galahs. 

That got me thinking about lorikeet feathers 

Lorikeet genes don't seem to abide by the "blue and green should never be seen without a colour in between" adage. Could I work at leeast one of these in these colours?  I'm in two minds, but very tempted.
The feathers are going togo around the horse-shoe shaped top edge of the chair. I don't think it works if they are all in the pink/grey colour range. Greens and blues might work, but I might need to modify the vibrance of the green in particular.                                                                                                                  I'm still thinking about it. The next one can have grey introduce so I can continue to think as I stitch the next one or two.                                                                                                                                                            I went to Frewville this morning, mainly to get olive oil and milk along with some bakery items for the kids after school. it's still a very nice place to shop. I notice fewer people wiping down their trolley than a couple of weeks ago, although pretty much everyone sanitises their hands before selecting a trolley.
The rest of the day was occupied with preparing the food for tonight. I did intend to take a photo but I lost that thought when the chance was there.I scanned a few photos that had been on my "What do I do with this? "pile and tidied the table to use it for the meal. I also used Blog2Print to upload the first six weeks of this blog to a book. It previewed OK but then crashed when I tried to order a copy. After it failed 3 times I sent a message to the technicians. No reply as yet.

It was a warm, sunny day with a cloudy sunset.We needed the shade blind on the Western balcony while we were eating. 

A few things to do tomorrow in preparation for the World Embroidery Study Group on Wednesday

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