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Friday 17 July 2020

Post 142 Lorikeets, Insurance, Friends.

The lorikeet photos were taken at the end of the day as I was bringing in the washing. Although I was busy today the activities were not photo-suggestive, so the lorikeets, on a branch above the town houses to the East of my apartment, form a general illustration!

After changing the sheets, and doing all the jobs I could think of, I got my act together and made the call to my car insurance company, to report the damage to my car that was sustained on 14 February. Chloe, my customer service person, could not have been more efficient and effective. She assured me that by law I have six years to report and claim! I had, she insisted, done all the right things, and yes, they will cover the damage. She took all the details over the phone, lodged the claim, and gave me the reference number. I must be getting old and insecure. I absolutely dreaded making this call which turned out to be easy and pleasant. Chloe pointed out that I am also covered for a replacement car while the repair is being carried out, if  I need it.


 I was spending the afternoon at a friend's place to Sit 'n Stitch. Jennifer usually comes too. On the way I stopped at the Central Market to pick up the handbag I had left to be repaired at A Class Shoe Repair, buy some coffee beans and ask a question at the bank.

The bag was ready. Rocco had replaced the lock - which involved removing and restitching the leather lining behind the lock. The charge for this work was $12.50. He insisted this was fair. I had expected to pay between $45 and $65. And it's a great job! If you live in Adelaide give Rocco all your leather repair business!

 My friend had generously provided lunch and fabulous coffee. We had a lovely time talking and stitching.During the afternoon we heard from Jennifer. She slept well, but woke with a very bad headache. The hospital is keeping her another 24 hours. The room she was in was for short stays only, so she has been moved to a general ward several floors above where she was. This is the view from her new room. While she's  keen to be home, she accepts that it is better for her to take the doctors' advice and stay another day.

On the way home I stopped at the Post Office to pick up a parcel that I had not been home to receive. It was the book Australian Women War Reporters Boer War to Vietnam, which has a section about the journalist and author Louisa Mack. I now have all the books I mentioned in post 122.

All I have to do is read them!

The shawl continues to grow. Still a way to go but at the moment time is on my side.

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