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Wednesday 10 February 2021

Post 349 World Embroidery Study Group.


There were 11 of us at the World Embroidery Study Group meeting today - pretty much back to our pre-Covid attendance.

Junette gave a presentation on Kogin embroidery. She had a few additional interesting snippets - like the oldest known needle with an eye is one found in Siberia, made from a bird bone, about 3" long and believed to be 50,000 years old!

Margaret Adams, another Guild member and electronic member of our group, has done a lot of work on Kogin embroidery, a lot of it for the Guild's Certificate course. Margaret brought along her samplers 

as well as some projects she has worked, like this book cover

and this pouch to hold all her Kogin equipment.
There was a lot more. There was a buzz in the room and everyone got involved and enthusiastic.  We are so fortunate to have such expertise to draw on.

We also gathered up the examples we had worked following our Inuit workshop last year. These will be put together as an entry in the upcoming Guild exhibition. It's an opportunity to showcase what we do as a group. Since we are a Study Group we don't have products to show as other groups do.

The Guild is preparing for a second exhibition this year as part of South Australian Living Arts (SALA) in August. We don't usually do two in one year, but the Members' Exhibition is a carry-over from last year, when it was cancelled due to COVID.

Our SALA exhibition is themed A Forrest, and the organising team have produced some dyed fabric pieces that members can buy to embellish and construct in any way they like. I found this amongst the printed panels and figured I would simply have to turn it into one of my dove friends.  Another challenge.

After we had all finished and sanitised the Gallery, I headed up to Stirling in the Adelaide Hills on a mission to visit Aptos Cruz Gallery in search of a birthday present. I didn't find what I had in mind, but I did find the perfect gift in a different form. I can't share that until next week.

 While I was there I succumbed to two things for myself. This cube is plain grey until you touch it, when it lights up with the time, date and temperature (it's showing time here, in case you are worried).

I've seen it before at Aptos Cruz. This was the last one, so I bought it.

They also had just two of these champagne flutes left and reduced in price. I have broken all but 3 odd champagne glasses. I now have 5. I rather like the elegance of these without stems.

The rest of the day has been spent writing up and sending out a summary of the meeting today and working on my Power Point on Bulgarian Embroidery. 
The WES Group today agreed to change our program so they can view Nelly's family collection at our April meeting before I return it to her. It's great to learn with PowerPoint, but just fabulous when we have physical examples (as we did today). 

On with the cotton gloves!
Finally, tonight I finished the first of the motifs on my Owl Service embroidery. I'm quite pleased with this.I think I'm going to need more of the over-dyed greeny-gold silk thread. Not sure I'll be able to get it reached 36C today and is forecast at 38C tomorrow before showers in the late afternoon. I have Pilates. 

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