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Monday 25 May 2020

Post 89 Mostly Hexies.

Another drama in the bird story this morning. Yesterday I used the last of the seeds my daughter had given me on 16 April. These came from her chicken feed. I had purchased a box of bird seed on my last grocery shop and this was what I broadcast this morning. Before long, three doves appeared, Myrtle, Turtle and an adolescent. I knew it was an adolescent because its collar was a mottled browny-grey, not spotted.

How nice, I thought, they've brought along their family.

Myrtle and Turtle got stuck into the seed, while the adolescent watched, then, getting the idea, dropped down to join them.

That's when the action happened. Very quickly. Myrtle and Turtle drove the adolescent away. He/she flew to the trees, then back to the roof above my balcony. Turtle flew up to drive it off. The adolescent swooped over the balcony, but was no match for the adult birds, who returned to companionably working their way through all the seed.  It looks as if the new mix is OK. And sharing beyond your partner does not seem to be dove etiquette.

I buckled down to a couple of three hour writing sessions.My computer battery still dies every 3 hours. Rather than sit at a table where I can reach a power point I take a break and recharge. I made good progress and can now see the shape of it, but there's a way to go, and I might need to give in and sit at a table before too long.

While my laptop was recharging I cut out the fabric squares I needed for the last 12 hexies.

I cut some from the puff sleeve of a dress I made for myself somewhere between 1967 and 1975. I really liked the dress. This is the last of it. There's still a little left.

This evening I managed to tack the papers into all the squares. It helps to have an episode of Midsomer Murders to watch. All I have to do now is stitch them together and I will be ready to applique 75 hexie flowers on to my quilt.

I also progressed a little bit more of my Nicola Jarvis bird.

Multi-tasking makes for a pretty messy workspace (aka the sofa) but it's well worth it. And in any case, the coffee table is taken up with the books and papers for my writing, so what's a girl to do?

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