Today’s post is short on photos. This morning I took my laptop and scanner to Macworld Norwood and left it with them to fix the scanner connection. After a bit of an inspection the issue seems to be the need to update the operating system on the laptop. They were hoping to have it done today but that hasn’t happened. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow.
While I can compose and post a blog from my phone or iPad, I can’t control the layout or the size of photos so will limit what I post. Usually I shape my narrative around photos. Can’t do that today.
Myrtle turned up this morning and shared seed with her shadow. Turtle turned up later in the day.
I dashed from Norwood across town to Pilates, then did a bit of fruit and veg shopping at North Adelaide.

The builders have dug a pit where previously they put in cement columns. Mystery to me.
The builders have dug a pit where previously they put in cement columns. Mystery to me.
As I was bringing in the washing late in the afternoon the Adelaide Rosella was announcing his presence from the nearby tree. I got some photos in my SLR but can’t download them until my computer is back.
It still feels like a Friday. After years of Pilates on Friday it’s going to take a while to adjust.
I had a phone catch up with my brother and progressed the Caterina project.
This is fairly slow progress but I can see the open, lacey effect emerging.
Hopefully I will have my computer back tomorrow and can resume formatting photos.
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