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Friday 9 October 2020

Post 226 Playing with photos and grappling with text wrapping.

I suspect there is a generational transition happening in my dove world. In the last few days Myrtle has put in the odd short appearance but rain has kept most birds elsewhere. This morning I had a visit from Blush. It was a swift descent and very hurried seed consumption. Then she(?) paused, listening until another young bird descended. Blush then took on an indignant stance and chased the intruder away, on foot, then in flight. These are smaller, younger birds. 
Before long she was back, this time more confident, exploring the space more than feeding. Is she claiming it, or just free of competition? Building work was continuing next door, loud, but not disturbingly loud to me. She paid no attention. She stayed quite a while, finally settling into my plant basket, then flew away.


Today was our Sit’n Stitch day at my friend Susan’s place at Grange. I was to pick Jennifer up at 1pm. Around 10 am she rang to say she had sniffles - either from hay fever or a mild cold - and thought, reluctantly, that she should stay away. I agreed. We have no evidence that Covid can’t be caught twice and even though we have no known community transmission in South Australia at present, we follow the rules and play safe - for everyone’s sake. Hopefully it is hay fever (the season is starting here) and she is OK.

Susan had made one of her date bar cakes, absolutely delicious with butter. Susan is working on her amazing blanket. I got a little bit of a feather done, but mostly we talked about technology. Both of us worked in IT related jobs, but staying abreast of computer-related changes is challenging for both of us
I got home in time for the lorikeet feeding frenzy. There were four on my nearest tree. They took no notice of me and my camera, so I snapped away - 85 photos in all! I then spent 2 hours editing them. 

They fed in pairs, swinging around the branch, hanging in all kinds of awkward-looking positions, occasionally flying to another branch, always avoiding each other's space.

Elements of their colour blend into the trees, 

but the red can be easily seen. There were other kinds of birds wheeling overhead, but it doesn't seem to worry the lorikeets. 

In my effort to overcome the text wrapping problem I found a YouTube video this morning that was made about a week ago, and was helpful. I got it to work on a browser on my iPad this morning and managed to insert the first two photos in this post with wrapped text. I couldn't replicate it on my laptop. 

When I came back to it this evening I had trouble on laptop and iPad. However, I seem to have got it working again after a couple of hours working with it. Hopefully it will become habitual, smooth and quick. My effort yesterday to compose in Word and copy and paste was not a success.

My blocking was dry be the end of the day. Here it is folded where it will be joined. Attaching it to the chair  will be a challenge. While the bottom line will be straight, the top line needs to be shaped to fit the panel above it.

I didn't spent a lot of time on the feathers, but this is where I am at the end of the day.

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