My morning began with a call from a friend in Sydney before I was fully awake. I missed the call but rang back and had an hour's catch up. Her excitement was that the book she has written about the history of the Macquarie Dictionary is getting close to publication. It's been a long haul. While it is unlikely to make the best seller lists, it is an important part of Australian history.

Also this morning there was finally an email from Jen, on the Support team at Blog2Print to say they have been unable to solve the problem of my blog book crashing when I try to order it. Their suggestion was that I open a new account, with a different email address and user name, recreate the book and reorder. I had by now reconciled myself to expect something like this. I spent much of the rest of the day doing as they suggested, and, at 2.30pm, just as the Melbourne Cup was being run, succeeded in ordering the book!
It feels like a victory. The pdf file has not yet arrived but I expect it will.
I had planned to collect and organise my tax return information today, but I thought it was time for a bit of stitching - and something worth photographing.

Before I started stitching, however, I tackled one of the piles of books waiting to be reviewed on Goodreads. The pile I chose were the knitting and embroidery books I indulged in over the last months, Milarrochy Heids, Colours of Shetland, Discovering American Folk Art and Histoires des Kokeshi.
The most enticing of these is Milarrochy Heids. When I have no other knitting to do I'm going to tackle these four hats.It reached 36C today and I've had the aircon on. When I watered the plants I noticed that one of Margaret's lemon scented pelargoniums has really taken off in its shared pot. I'll need to repot it in the near future.

I also notice that Michael Constantinou's Spanish Mackerel sculpture on my balcony needs to be cleaned. Not sure of the best way to go about that.

I've gone quite a way to finish the rest of the final Rabbits at Dawn tonight, but not quite. There's still a leaf, some flowers and a clump of grass to finish. I'm too tired to do a good job now, so I will wait till tomorrow to finish and block

Tonight's sunset was not showy but a lovely palette. The rest of the week is forecast to be much cooler.
Bring it on.
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