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Tuesday 12 January 2021

Post 319 A very happy birthday

These are my friend Deirdre's Queen of the Night flowers, currently blooming at her home in Lismore in northern NSW. It is an orchid cactus that, yes, only blooms at night.    They are native to Mexico. 

What a privilege to have one growing and see it bloom.

It was a day of privileges for me. I woke at 6.30 am, the time (so I was told) that I was born 74 years ago. My mother was just 21 and a great mother. She'd have loved to see these flowers.
I had phone calls this morning from a couple of friends and also my brother. and a long call from Alison late this afternoon. There were emails from other friends, including a lovely long newsy one from Christine in Watford, still keeping on keeping on. She received my Christmas card yesterday. It was posted on 13 December!

There were no less than 3 Jackie Lawson ecards - all different and cheery, as well as newsy text messages - and 20 or so FB messages.  
I don't remember receiving so much attention on my birthday. I am feeling very privileged and loved. It is  important to me, and to my identity, to have friends from all times of my life - from primary school, high school, university, my paid work life and my retirement and both immediate and extended family.  Thank you all for staying connected - whether on my birthday or other times.
The event of the day was a birthday lunch at Normanville (photo courtesy of Caitlin on Katherine's phone!).  The most spectacular meal was Niamh's beef burger held together by a knife.

The kids chose, bought and/or made me really thoughtful presents. Veronica's earrings were made from brown sea glass- light shines through them in the sun. Niamh's annual pin cushion, to keep my chairs safe, was entirely designed and made by her this year without help. I love the birds.  Brigid's earrings were, amazingly, each two fused cowries, so they are reversible, Fionn's shell and bead chime is so elegant - perfect shape for my balcony

and the necklace, by Suzette Watkins of Australian Landscape Jewellery is one I had, unknown to Katherine and Anthony, actually looked at online to buy as a gift. It is really beautiful. 

Back at the Golf Hotel, I talked with Alison, took in the gifts, reread the wonderful cards 

and cracked open the bottle of de-alcoholised (yes, that's what the bottle says) wine I had bought at the local supermarket - the only kind they offered.  It doesn't, I think, have a lot to recommend it.
The birthday surprises were not over.  At 6pm, as a magpie made a lot of noise on the roof above the next balcony, the locksmith arrived to fix the lock on my door! It took 45 minutes, a lot of deconstruction, visits to the van, reconfiguring and testing, but my door now locks and my key opens it. 

I miss the gaffer tape that kept the malfunctioning lock from locking me either in or out, but it will be good not to take my computer, iPad, Kindle and Kobo with me every time I leave the room as a precaution because it doesn't lock.

The big red kangaroos put in another appearance at dusk. I really do wish I had bought my SLR - or upgraded my iPhone to either an 11 or 12 Pro with a 4x zoom. The 2x on my phone just won't do the job.
My stitching has been a bit limited today - two crocheted squares and half a stem to support the Phoenix.

Not bad, all things considered.

It's been a fabulous day.

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