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Thursday 22 October 2020

Post 238 Crewel work

I opened my blind this morning to Turtle hunkered down on my balcony waiting for seed.  I obliged.

The cushion on my crewel chair had dried overnight, and was much smoother and flatter. Today was the Crewel Work Group meeting at the Guild, so I got myself organised, As well as my Tumbling Feathers to finish, I had a  thermos of coffee, some lunch and the cushion from the chair to show the Crewel Group. In reality, there were only two of us there for the Crewel Group, but the Thursday Open stitching group was full, with ten people meeting in the house.

Margaret was there, promising me, from having read my blog posts earlier in the week, cuttings from her pink pig face and also some scented geraniums . It's not urgent, and she's busy, but it will be fantastic if  and when it comes off.
I had decided to work the last Tumbling Feather in the colours of the Noisy Miner. I looked at lots of photos, including the ones I took myself.

This is where I got to by 2 pm when I needed to leave. When I got home and had another look at what I had done, I decided the orange wasn't right where it was, I was trying to acknowledge the mostly orange beak of the Miner. In the end I took it out.
After leaving the Guild I went to the office of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome organisation next to Hindmarsh Stadium to pick up some pots of marigolds. In view of the pandemic, they have abandoned their annual Red Nose Day fundraiser this year and are selling potted marigolds, prepared by a nursery, with 80% of profit going to SIDS. I had ordered a couple for myself and 3 for my daughter. Thursday is the designated pick-up day. I had trouble finding the office, which turns out to be through the security gate of the Stadium. The plants look young and very healthy.

I found a place for them on my balcony and watered them in.

My hygienist rang to say she and my dentist advise me to visit a periodontist to check out the 10mm pocket on the gum near one of my molars. I have taken the advice and made an appointment.  It is not until early January - the day before my next appointment with the dentist. I am in no pain or discomfort. They just want to check out there is not a hidden split or infection  in the tooth.
Anthony had asked me this morning to take the girls to their choir practice after school as he had to be in court.  As I stepped out on the balcony to get the washing line, there was Turtle, waiting. He let me step on to the balcony, didn't stay, but returned later to finish the seed. 

Veronica was at home today, so Niamh and I picked her up after school, dropped off their marigolds and got to choir just on time. 
I worked on the Noisy Miner feather all evening, finishing quite late. I'm quite pleased with the representation, hopefully the right amount of yellow and black, with a predominance of light grey.

I've taken it out of the hoop, and, as always it looks crushed and raggy. It's too late tonight to block it and I'm falling asleep. That's tomorrow's job. I should be able to begin appliqueing them on sometime over the weekend.

A good day's work.

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