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Tuesday 8 December 2020

Post 286 World Embroidery Study Group roundup

Today was largely taken up with the final meeting for the year of the Embroiderers' Guild World Embroidery Study Group. There were nine of us present.

It was a lively meeting with lots of discussion and sharing, which just goes to show what is possible within social distancing requirements of 4 square metres per person.

The first half of the meeting was taken up with planning our program for next year, which is looking pretty exciting - Kogan, Marghab, Opus Anglicanum, Embroidery of the Holocaust, Mend and Make Do, Native American Beading, Viking and Anglo Saxon Embroidery all get a guernsey.

We then did a Show and Tell. Barbara brought along this fabulous piece of Kuba cloth she bought in the 1990s. It was a wall frieze for a mud house. 

Others brought along some of the things they have been working on while locked down this year. I didn't manage to capture all of them. These are Junette's. She also has a great ironing blanket she converted from a possum wool jumper that went through the washing machine and felted!
Lee has finished the embroidery on the Christine Bishop Bird Cage Etui from a class she took in 2007. She had it constructed by a Guild member who does it as part of her business. The sampler was a Jo Dixey challenge.

Lori brought along her Sashiko bag that inspired my pouches (lower right). It is a work of art - sides and lining of denim from the Guild trading table and base from a recycled kimono. The pile of cloths on the table are ones Lori has bought from op shops and stores in the bag.
It's a great group and our next year's program got everyone fired up. Having a projector and connected laptop available makes a big difference to this group. It is so much easier to share our studies. We also have two topics - the Marghab and Native American beading - that relate to recent acquisitions by the Guild Museum that need more analysis and information. We like to feel useful!

Niamh's phone has still not turned up, despite Niamh and Anthony doing another search this morning. 

I posted this early today because I wanted to order the fourth volume of the blog book  to meet a printer's Christmas discount deadline. I wanted to include the last meeting of the WES Group as the end of this volume. This last section will not appear in the book. This time the uploading and purchase worked reasonably well. There are a couple of tricks that are not well explained but I've had a bit of practice now. I still had to go back and correct a couple of times. 

There are 77 posts from now to February 26, which will make a full year of the blog. That will make volume 5. 

I added the outer layer to the circle Guan Yin has been minding for me tonight. It's the orange circle with dark blue square. The three on the right are those done using US crochet convention. The top left is Jennifer's.  I'm happy with my tension and resulting size, but I took my hook under the arm rather than the top in the first stitches into the square. Still, it's an improvement. Jennifer is going to give me more guidance tomorrow.

It's been quite a productive day.

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